Happy Easter!
Fr. Bryan Dolejsi

Each spring we celebrate the high point of our faith, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!  He conquers sin and death so we can live a life of holiness and join Him in the Kingdom of Heaven.  Rejoice and be glad!

I pray this Easter season will be a time of renewal in faith, hope and love for you and your loved ones.  Thank you to the members of our parish and school for your active and fruitful participation in our faith community here at Holy Family Kirkland!  We welcome all those who are visiting and hope you will make Holy Family your home as well.

Please continue to pray for the ongoing work of the Partners in the Gospel efforts here in the Archdiocese of Seattle.  More information will be coming on Divine Mercy Sunday.

Let us all remain focused on our relationship with Jesus and support each other as disciples as we trust the work of the Holy Spirit to guide us together each day.  May God richly bless all of you!

Your Servant in the Risen Christ,

Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, pastor