Young Adult Faith Formation w/Fr. Val Session #2
February 16 6:30 - 7:30 pm
“Let no one have contempt for your youth, but set
an example for those who believe, in speech, conduct,
love, faith, and purity” (1 Tim 4:12).
Scroll down for links to join our discord channel, facebook group, and young adult events newlsetter from the archdiocese (the scroll).
Holy Family Young Adults is a ministry for young Catholics from ages 18-35 who desire to know and love Jesus Christ, to follow him as disciples, and to build up his Catholic Church, which is the family of God.
We seek to provide opportunities to grow in fellowship, increase our knowledge of the faith, pray and worship together, serve our community, and evangelize others by inviting them to lead lives transformed by the joy of the Gospel.
Questions? Contact Aysia Yenokida, Pastoral Assistant for High School Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Check out updates on events and connect with group members at our Facebook group
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Sign-Up HereThe Scroll is the young adult newsletter from the Archdiocese with all of the events for young adults in the Seattle Archdiocese!
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