February 23, 2024
Fr. Bryan Dolejsi

Welcome to Lent!

As we renew our own spiritual disciplines in Lent by renewing our baptismal calling, we also pray for all those preparing to receive sacraments during the Easter Season.  25 people in our RCIA program are preparing to come into the church at Easter Vigil this year.  There are 70 children in our parish who just started their first reconciliation and first communion preparation.  60 students are starting the journey to deepen their spiritual growth through confirmation preparation.  In addition, nine couples are beginning their marriage preparation classes this weekend.  The Holy Spirit is at work at Holy Family!  Thank you to all our catechists in these important areas of sacramental preparation.

We are working on several long-range projects in the church that you will be hearing about in the upcoming months. The first project creates two new niches for statues of Mary and Joseph, which will be constructed in the Sanctuary.  More details will be available next week, be sure to check out the newsletter and bulletin.  We are also exploring options for a cross on the exterior of the church and an updating of the restrooms in the church.  Thank you for your flexibility and patience during these projects.

Thank you for your prayers for the Partners in the Gospel initiative and for the work of the priest personnel board that I serve on.  All priest assignments will be made public in early to mid-April, following Easter.  Priest assignments and parish families will go into effect starting July 1, 2024.

On a personal note, thank you for your birthday wishes. I was able to spend some time with my parents, which was very nice.  I encourage you to pray for your parents, living or deceased, on your birthday.  Also, I will defend my doctoral thesis in mid-April and – God willing – graduate in May at Mount Angel Seminary in Oregon.

Your Servant in the Risen Christ,

Fr. Bryan Dolejsi, pastor